Lindsay Lohan, the extremely troubled freckle-faced actress of Mean Girls fame, has been arrested –AGAIN—in Manhattan. Early this morning Lohan allegedly punched a 28-year-old woman multiple times in the face, causing what police described as minor injuries. The incident occurred at 4 a.m. November 29, 2012 at a Manhattan night club.
If you have chosen to read this post you are probably well aware of Lindsay’s rather impressive – in a bad way – rap sheet, her numerous run-ins with the law in both New York and Los Angeles, and her apparently failed attempts at drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Although it is her right as an American to go to any bar she chooses at any time of the morning or night, don’t you just wonder why this woman would put herself in this position?
The reason for the scuffle has not been revealed, nor do we know which of the two women initiated the incident.
What I’m curious about, however, has more to do with the response this latest bad news for Lindsay has gotten in some of the media. Time after time I have heard television news and talk show personalities seem to try to “cut the girl a break.”
- Her recent Lifetime channel movie, Liz and Dick, in which Lohan played Elizabeth Taylor, was panned by TV critics and drew only 3.5 million viewers,( I was not one of them.) so she’s had a rough week.
- Earlier this month she canceled an in-depth interview with ABC's Barbara Walters, who said she suspected the actress' publicity team pulled the plug knowing Walters would ask tough questions. Yet Walters and Whoopi Goldberg were reluctant to criticize her on The View this morning.
- Last month the Nassau County (NY) police were called, again in the wee hours of the morning, because Lindsay and her mother, DIna Lohan, woke the neighbors with their loud and long shouting match. Poor Lindsay, again 26 years of age, “has not had any parenting whatsoever.”
- People “pick at” celebrities who have been in trouble, hoping to get them to react badly, according to Whoopi Goldberg.
Exactly how much slack does an individual deserve? At what point does Lindsay Lohan start getting the kind of vilification that was heaped upon Chris Brown (and rightly so) when he beat the face off his girlfriend Rihanna?
Are there signs of dysfunction in the actress’s family life. Oh, yes. Her mother appeared in a lengthy interview with Dr. Phil a few months ago. She was clearly under the influence of some mind-altering substance. Her father, Michael Lohan, told ETOnline today that he has been trying to convince Dina to stage an intervention with him because “She is in a dark place, it's in God's hands and I hope he deals with her appropriately."
It is time for Lindsay Lohan to be held accountable for her actions. She could face a probation violation in relation to her theft case if she is formally charged for Thursday's alleged altercation, in addition to a possible charge of allegedly lying to police about a June car crash.
She should do the time. Her defenders should stop defending her, no matter how much they argue that “she is a sweet girl.” None of these people are doing Lindsay Lohan any favors. Unless she is held fully accountable
soon, I, along with a lot of other people, will be writing about her “untimely” death.