Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, Coqui!

Today is Veteran's Day, the official day to celebrate all the brave men and women who have served in the U.S. military. My flag is flying out front in tribute also to those who are not yet veterans, but who are deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq.

But today is special for a far more personal reason to me. Today is my little dog Coqui's 8th birthday. Coqui is short for Coquette, a name that this little beauty has earned over the years. She drives my friend's Lhasa Apso, Gizmo, absolutely mad by totally ignoring him whenever they meet. She knows she is beautiful and struts her fluffy little body as if she is above all the drooling and sniffing going on around her.

I put off getting a pet until I retired from the daily grind. I never felt it was fair to leave a dog home alone while I worked 10-12 hours a day, even with the services of a dog sitter. When I did decide it was time, I spent several weeks determining which breed would be best for me and my life-style. A life-long fan of large, male dogs, I thought it was time to downsize and to reduce the effects of canine testosterone in favor of a more manageable size and temperament.

The Bichon Frise was the recommended breed by the AARP magazine the month before I began my search in earnest. It would be a perfect choice for me because it is hypo-allergenic, extremely intelligent and too cute for words. They do not require a lot of exercise --they can be happy in a small apartment or a large home like mine--but they love to romp and play. Their average weight at full growth is around 15 pounds and they live an average 16 years.

The $1200 I paid for Coqui might just be the best money I have ever spent. Despite my earlier declarations that "she is just a dog," Coqui is like another child to me, except she never asks for money. She is always glad to see me when I return; never lets me out of her sight when I'm around. She sleeps with me, runs errands with me and lies at my feet for hours when I'm reading, writing or watching TV. She is the best antidote to loneliness, and her high-maintenance coat keeps me busy every day. Our twice-daily walks around the neighborhood help to keep us both reasonably fit.

Coqui is the best and I am fortunate that she chose me for her companion. Happy Birthday!

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