Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Literally Everything Is Relative

A story came out of the horror in Haiti over the weekend that caused my mojo to return. Thanks to the most inspiring woman I have seen in a long, long, time, the fight that I thought I had lost forever after last week's series of personal setbacks has come roaring back.

A woman was buried under the remnants of a five-story supermarket for five days when rescuers finally cleared enough debris away to hear her voice. When they called her name, she answered in a strong, clear voice and stated how pleased she would be to have a sip of water.

In a few more minutes her face emerged for the camera trained on the spot where she lay trapped, and on it was the most beautiful smile one will ever encounter. A smile! Her face was radiant through the dusty powder, and her eyes were bright, not dull and frightened.

Although the woman moaned in pain as the rescuers and her ever-vigilant husband attempted to pull her from the concrete, when she was finally freed, her smile returned. And suddenly, inexplicably, she broke into song! According to the interpreter, the song's message was: do not fear death.

This remarkable woman was able to walk to her husband's car, sit erect and alert in the front seat and set off for a first-hand tour of the horror that surrounded her 5-day tomb. And as I watched the car pull away from the camera, I knew that the human spirit can withstand just about anything, as long as it doesn't cause death. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

I have heard that a bizillion times during my life, but this was the first time I think I actually believed it.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am back.


  1. Glad to hear you are back. You are an important and valuable human being!

  2. Of course, you're back. I really didn't think you'd left.


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