Friday, August 13, 2010

Did Lindsey Ever Stand a Chance?

For reasons that weren't readily apparent, Lindsey Lohan's mom Dina decided to make herself available for a lengthy interview this morning on The Today Show. She should have kept her Barbie-doll derriere in her antacid-pink Barbie® Glam Vacation House!

It is impossible to be unaware that the beleaguered child actor is currently under court-ordered treatment for one or more of her addictions at the UCLA Medical Center. It seemed reasonable to me to expect that Mrs. Lohan was there to clear up misconceptions about her famous daughter's troubles, to talk about her maternal concerns for Lindsey. Based on the way the interview went, I kinda think that is what the elegant Matt Lauer was expecting, too.

Combative, rude, interruptive, and with the most transparent agenda to indict everyone EXCEPT herself and her daughter, Mrs. Lohan came out with her fangs bared. She made repeated snide remarks about the irresponsibility of the media, especially, of course, the sleazy tabloids, and about Matt who she accused of getting his information from those rags and/or TMZ.

Dina Lohan flatout lied in the face of the camera when Matt stated that Lindsey was currently into her fourth round of rehab. She split hairs about which were court-ordered and which (one) was at her personal insistence. She stated unequivocally that there had only been two. But when NBC was crazy enough to bring her back, live, during the next hour, Matt pressed the issue, listing the four instances of rehab. Now Dina Lohan said she meant there had only been two court-ordered events. Pressed further, she admitted that the current one made three court-ordered rehabs, plus the one she herself initiated.

When asked about the confusing decision on Lindsey's part to sport a F**k You fingernail to court on the day she was sentenced, Mom's response? "We were blind-sided. We weren't expecting the sentencing to occur that day." Huh?

And, as if to offer proof of her stellar parenting skills, she repeated more than four times, that I counted, the assertion that her son, "who is brilliant," had recently graduated sum cum laude from Ithaca College in New York. My guess would be he accomplished that in spite of his parents' antics in Hollywood!

How can anyone expect a young person who has met with success beyond anyone's wildest imagination to have a mosquito's chance in a hurricane of growing into a well-adjusted, addiction-free adult when she has a mother like that?

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