Friday, November 5, 2010

Okay. You Win. Now What?

I cannot turn off my thoughts.  God knows I want to.  I need to just accept what’s happened and let it go.  The people have spoken, whoever the hell they are.  Their newly elected officials are gleefully calling for a swift undoing of, not just Obamacare, but of Obama himself.  Job One?  Make sure Obama isn’t re-elected.
Okay.  I get it.   You hate the guy, or you hate the guy’s *policies,* as you euphemistically insist.  So go ahead, take him out, take him down, and take him to school.  Wipe out the Healthcare Reform Act, reinstate the tax cuts for the rich – in fact, go ahead and make them permanent; and don’t forget to put a stop to any and all further unemployment benefits.   

Let the banks continue to call all the shots so that nobody can get a small business loan, nobody can get a mortgage loan, and nobody can get a mortgage loan modification. 
Make sure Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is left in place, stop the talk about legal gay marriages once and for all, increase funding for the war in Afghanistan for another 10 years, and outlaw abortion for any woman, for any reason, at any time.

Here’s the thing.  Not one of you, as far as I know, have ever addressed the aftermath of your happy exercises in “taking your country back.”  So, if you have the time; if you can go off your Party-scripted diatribes against President Obama for just a minute, I would appreciate some answers to the following:
  • Unemployment numbers came out today, and they are stuck at 9.6%, despite an upward trend in the Dow.  In addition,  mortgage defaults continue to escalate due solely to job loss; the foreclosures that resulted from the unethical banking practices and from citizens making stupid purchases of homes they didn’t have sense enough to know they couldn’t  afford have just about run their course.  Those people are... where now?  Does anybody know?  Does anybody think we need to know?
  •   If there are no jobs available for the 6 million of us who have been unemployed for longer than six months, what do you expect to happen? I’m sure you won’t be amenable to approving any kind of relief for people to be fed.  How will you plan to handle the starvation?
  • If healthcare insurance becomes impossible for those same 6 million people to afford –never mind the people who never have been able to afford it in the first place – how do you plan to handle the overcrowded emergency rooms or the homeless people dying in droves on the streets of the major cities you don’t give a damn about? 
  • With all the tax cuts you will vote through in order to allow the American people to “keep more of their own money in their pockets,” how will you fund the increased need for police and fire protection caused by the ordinarily law-abiding people who are desperate enough to resort to petty crimes in order to survive?
  •  What are you going to do when your constituents finally wake up and discover what they’ve done to themselves; when they realize that everything they voted you in to do has resulted in the destruction of the entire middle class to which they all once belonged; when they too become members of The Great Unwashed they once viewed with such contempt and disdain? 
  • Since you are hell-bent on preventing LGBT individuals from serving in the military instead of opening the recruitment to any capable American willing to volunteer, where do you plan to get the extra personnel you will need to continue the endless war in Afghanistan and possibly “staff” a conflict with Iran, which some believe is in the cards? 
These are just a few of the questions that bombard my brain as I try to just accept the fact that “America has spoken.”  I would appreciate hearing  your answers ASAP, so I can get a little sleep.

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