Monday, June 3, 2013

Out of the Sewer, Into the Light


sewer rats

The Cheerios people probably never dreamed their latest 30-second spot would do what it’s done.  Sure, they found a suitably toned, curly-haired cutie pie to play the star role designed to depict the bridging of the racial gap.  But I’ll bet my last paltry Social Security check they never expected to become exterminators.

The sometimes open sewer that is social media can certainly be disconcerting.  The stench from the Twittersphere is often unbearable. But there is an equally compelling case to be made for the efficacy of today's social media channels, which seem to act as a virtual laxative for hateful people who love to hide behind their laptops. 

The truth is, the Facebooks and Twitters have helped massive groups of people do things unheard of just a quarter of a century ago. 

Using social media, bank customers told the Bank of America “Oh, HELL no!” when they tried to charge them for using their debit cards. 

Smart phone cameras and instant connections to one's social media of choice have brought to the world the un-sanitized truth about the slaughters of everyday citizens throughout the world before the official media have had a chance to edit their wire feeds.

And lately, during the resurgence of rabid, rampant, in-your-face racism, the intellectually challenged scumbags of the nation are being outed in real time for all the world to see.  And they are doing it to themselves.

Thanks to our twice-elected bi-racial President, gone are the suspicions of whispered nastiness going on behind closed doors, closed country clubs and closed-minded gatherings of the terminally bigoted.  We don’t have to suspect anymore; we KNOW because the TBs are falling over themselves to out-nasty one another – in virtual public.

The social sewer rats of America, those people who have found a way to make a commercial about love into fodder for their fiendish hatred, are in an unforgiving, high-definition spotlight that is helping to expose the underground barriers to any delusions one might have had about living in a post-racial society. 

When I started this post I had intended to highlight some of the disgustingly ignorant comments among the thousands (perhaps millions?)posted since the commercial depicting an interracial family aired last Tuesday, but there are far too many to try to single out a few.  If you are curious, go to YouTube, select one that is responding to the ad, and knock yourself out.  You will probably feel the need to shower afterwards.

Unlike so many who are disgusted and discouraged by this outpouring of stupid, I see it a little differently.  Because of social media, many, many  more people will be exposed to the reality of racism in America.  Before they smarten up enough to understand that they are facilitating a kind of self-implosion, they will have gone and done the one thing they never meant to do. 

Sewer rats hate daylight.

If you haven’t seen it yet, here is the “offending” catalyst for this latest display of “enlightenment.”

To their credit, General Mills, the company behind Cheerios, said today they will not bend to the negative pressure.

Because of social media, many, many  more people will be exposed to the reality of racism in America.  Before they smarten up enough to understand that they are facilitating a kind of self-implosion, they will have gone and done the one thing they never meant to do. 

Sewer rats hate daylight.

If you haven’t seen it yet, here is the “offending” catalyst for this latest display of “enlightenment.”

To their credit, General Mills, the company behind Cheerios, said today they will not bend to the negative pressure.

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