Monday, March 31, 2014

Technology is Ruining the Doctor/Patient Relationship


doctor and tablet

Fifteen years ago, when I started using my current doctor as my primary care giver, the best part of any office visit was the chitchat, the catching up on family and work issues.  Dr. M. is a petite, gentle-voiced woman in her forties or early fifties. 

Her long hair and hippie-style fashion preference suits her demeanor perfectly.  One would never mistake her for a technophile, although she is clearly bright and she knows her stuff. 

Dr. M’s husband is her partner in the practice.  Although I have only seen him once, I gather from things his wife has said that he is the business brain in the duo.  And his brain told him around a year ago that he could no longer allow Dr. M’s preference for paper medical records to prevent him from computerizing them.

During my recent visit I suddenly realized how sweeping a change that computerization had made…on everything! 

Dr. M. has always had the ability to make her notes during our visits without taking her eyes (and ears) off me, the patient.  She made me feel that what I was saying was of utmost importance to her, the person, not just the doctor.  But now, instead of my three-inch thick manila folder of records, she walks in with an iPad-like tablet in one hand, a stylus in the other.  I could tell immediately that she wasn’t comfortable with that thing at all.

Before, when a question arose about what the lab work of 2012 showed, Dr. M would rifle through the stapled pages of that folder faster than a hummingbird flaps his wings.  I used to smile at her and ask her when she was going to join the 21st century and computerize that file.  She’d shrug, smirk and and shirk the question.

When such a question arose recently, she sat motionless for a few seconds, staring at the tablet in her hand. She began muttering to herself, struggling to remember how to get to the information she needed.  As always, I continued talking, but unlike always, she wasn’t hearing a word I said.  The rapport we had shared for one and a half decades was disrupted by her need to master the technology she never really wanted in the first place.  For the first time I can remember, she actually turned her back to me to consult her computer, the desktop one that had information she couldn’t (or wouldn’t) find on the tablet.

This same feeling of separation of patient and doctor occurred the second time I met with the neurologist who diagnosed my MS, and has continued ever since. He had spent the first visit sitting at a keyboard typing as I responded to his questions about symptoms.  Instead of a conversation, we were having a dictation session, I felt, and it didn’t make me feel cared for or about.  At each subsequent visit, he would enter the room, greet me nicely, and proceed to his computer.  I would have to sit in silence while he brought himself up to speed about who the hell I am, what my problem was/is, and how much testing he had thrown my way.  There is no longer enough time left between patients for a doctor to review the file BEFORE entering the examination room.

The neurologist sees, on average, close to 40 patients per day!  Office hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the guy has to get a lunch break. That means he must see at least five patients PER HOUR in order to meet his daily quota.  And he spends 10 of my 12 allotted minutes typing?!?!

Technology is a wonderful thing.  I am a fervent consumer of its newest applications.  But the price we sometimes pay for the supposed conveniences of the internet and all the nifty devices being rushed to market by manufacturers is often in units of human relationships, and I find that disappointing.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Amazon Prime: Still a Great Value for Me


It’s so funny to me the way things happen sometimes.  Just the other day a Facebook friend who had just signed up for’s Prime Membership was wondering if she had done the wise thing.  I assured her that I certainly thought so.

This morning I received an email from announcing their intention to raise the Prime Membership fee from an annual $79 to $99.  Of course, they blamed the rising costs of fuel and transportation.  I felt the heat rising under my collar.  It won’t happen until February 2015, but still…

Prime Membership has been a great deal for me, the maven of online shopping, but a 25% jump in fees felt…well, it felt familiar.  Every doggone time I find something that really works for me, it either becomes discontinued, out of stock or out-of-this-world expensive. 

The email went on to explain that while the fee hadn’t been increased since 2005, the number of items eligible for free 2-day shipping and handling under the membership had grown from 1 million to more than 20 million.  (They wrote “over 20 million,” a grammatical error that seldom gets edited but which pushes my buttons every time.) 

So I decided to put a skill to work.  You know, the one your kids whine about and wonder when they will ever need to know it in real life – mathematics.

Between January 1, 2013 and today’s date, I placed 193 orders on  Yes, that is a lot!  I told you I am an expert on this mode of acquisition.  I only go to brick and mortar stores for groceries, and that’s only because the great home-delivery service, Web Van, went belly up.  I have developed a phobia of parking lots and parking decks, okay? 

So, out of 193 orders placed, only 9 of them were not eligible for the free 20day S & H.  But the S & H fees I paid on those 9 orders totaled almost $55!  That’s an average of  a little more than $6 per shipment.  Now multiply that number times the 184 orders placed during the same time period for no cost. 

184 orders x $6.00 = $1104

Subtract the new fee:  $1104 - $99 = $1005

Total saving, even at higher fee is $1,005!  I’ll take it.

The other perks of Amazon Prime are not even included in these calculations.  There are hundreds of free movies and Kindle books on loan included, plus access to first-run movies at a price much lower than going to the theater.

No wonder is kicking ass and taking names among brick and mortar retailers.  Not once have I gone to the site looking for something and not found it there.  If you do as much online shopping as I do, try it.  I think you’ll like it.

Oh, and one more thing.  I only paid tax on 24 of those 193 orders.  Georgia has now joined the states that requires to collect sales taxes on items sourced inside the state.  Darn!