Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Image from St. Nicholas Center

Dear Mr. Claus:

It has been a very long time since I've thought about you as someone to ask for favors. Our relationship, while it lasted, was magical, wasn't it?

Your indulgence of my childhood dreams of giant, silver-painted trees glowing in celestial blue lights materializing out of nowhere on Christmas Eve; of owning the toy du jour as well as those I never dreamed of; and of piles of hard candies, raw nuts and pfeffernusse, made for vivid memories of enduring delight.

And when we parted ways, I winked at you at Marshall Field’s each year while my little sister completed her association with your mystique, so as not to ruin the magic for her.

You undoubtedly know how difficult this is for me, a grown-ass woman, to petition you for help, but I sure could use some. Actually, I'm not asking just for me, but for ordinary people like me all over the world.

You've probably noticed that parents are avoiding you again this year. When those parents cut back on deliveries last year and the year before that, they never dreamed things wouldn't have become better by now. Sadly, they haven't.

The global economy sucks, Santa, if you'll excuse my French. And it's not just the loss of jobs and the associated incomes. It's not just the foreclosed houses and repossessed cars, or eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner every night. The world just can't seem to grasp the whole idea of the Christmas season.

You know better than anyone that we are supposed to be working to bring peace to Earth and good will toward our fellow men and women. Instead, my country's government has us involved in two seemingly pointless wars in the Middle East. I swear to you, Santa, I don't even know what we're fighting about, but I know my fellow taxpayers and I are spending about $380,000,000 each day to do it.

There are these people we've sent to Washington to run our nation's business who have lost all kinds of things, not the least of which is the spirit of the Christmas season. Although I'm sure you could probably point out a dozen or two who are there trying to do their constituents' work, for the most part they each seem to be consumed by their desire to be re-elected in the next term. This makes their decision-making more than a little suspect, don't you think?

Now, Santa, I realize you might be a saint, but you are not God. I know you can't work miracles other than the one you pull of every Christmas Eve. But I figure, since you spend too much time flying around in the heavens, you might have a more direct line to the Big Guy Himself. So, if you could, I would love it if you'd submit this for His consideration:

L's 2010 Christmas List

2-year's supply of starch for President Obama's backbone

1 average-sized brain for each member of the U.S. Congress

1 jumbo-sized conscience for every Wall Street operative

1 moratorium on partisan politics for six months, starting Jan.1, 2011

2 cease-fire orders, one in Iraq, one in Afghanistan,
 which apply to Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and all armed forces from all countries involved

Daily injections of grace for every person on Earth for life

Mr. Claus, I know you are extra busy during this pre-Christmas rush, but I'm feeling like this is an emergency. Anything you can do to intervene on behalf of the people of the world will be eternally appreciated.

Merry Christmas, Santa.


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