Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sandusky Sinks His Own Ship

Jerry Sandusky, the Penn State dirt bag accused of sodomizing a ten-year-old boy in the locker room shower, is one sick puppy.  And by sick I mean the lowest form of human detritus roaming the globe, a predator masquerading as a tender-hearted do-gooder.

Bob Costas reportedly learned of his bluebird interview with Sandusky just 15 minutes prior to airtime of the new NBC newsmagazine program “ Rock Center” Monday night.   Costas was originally scheduled to interview Sandusky's lawyer, Joseph Amendola.

The first version I heard of how things went down Monday night said Sandusky himself had called in and volunteered to be interviewed.  I thought: "Woo Boy, I'll bet his lawyer is pissed at him!"  I mean, I'm no lawyer, but even I knew Sandusky was flirting with disaster.

Now that I know it was Amendola who set it all up, all I can say is "bravo, Bob Costas,"  and hasta la vista Sandusky.  Costas was golden in that interview, launching direct questions with no wiggle room, time after time after time.

On the outside chance that a viewer tuned in to that interview who had somehow managed to know nothing at all about the Penn State scandal, said viewer might have been convinced by Sandusky's denials of wrongdoing.  Maybe said viewer would find some unconscionable way to give Sandusky a pass for "horsing around" -- IN THE SHOWER, BUTT NAKED -- with a ten-year-old!  

So, just to make sure there were no suckers out there falling for Sandusky's pitiful I'm-a-good-guy act, my local TV station hired a voice analysis expert to take a listen to the taped interview.

According to the results, Sandusky was lying his frequently bare behind off. 

TV shrink Dr. Drew Pinsky has gone on record predicting that Sandusky is so trapped by his own words in the interview, he will attempt suicide.  Just the admission of "horsing around" in the shower with the boy is enough to convict him.  But I’m wondering if this monster is in such denial about his own behavior he can’t accurately process the gravity of the case against him.

The 23-page transcript from the Grand Jury investigation was reviewed by the Daily Beast on Tuesday against the assertions of innocence Sandusky made to Costas.  Eight pre-pubescent victims testified to everything from inappropriate touching to oral sex in that probe, and two adult eye-witnesses described seeing Sandusky perform oral sex on one and forcible anal intercourse on another.

Sandusky's dissembling performance on the Costas interview was both fascinating and disturbing.  As I listened to his soft voice delivering lie after lie, it was easy to see how Sandusky slowly and deliberately persuaded his innocent victims to do his bidding.  And, of course, he sweetened the deal with gifts of computers, sports equipment, clothing and outings to football games.

Jerry Sandusky's admission to horsing around in the shower with a young boy can and most likely will be used against him in court.  Either  his lawyer is convinced the evidence against his client is overwhelming and he's trying to build an insanity case or he is the poorest excuse of a defense attorney to come down the pike.

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