Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Welcome to My Blog

If you have landed on my blog space, you undoubtedly have searched to find some perspective on the effect the recession is having on seniors in the United States. Lots has happened to me since January 2009. I have been disappointed a lot, frightened, exasperated and, at times, humored.

Never in my wildest nightmares did I expect to be in this predicament on the eve of my 65th birthday. I retired once in 2000, but became both bored and apprehensive. Bored because there is only so much daytime TV one can take. Besides, I missed the sense of purpose I had taken for granted during my career. Apprehensive because the way money was flying out of my retirement account, I realized it might not last long enough. The women in my family have impressive longevity -- my grandmother passed away in 2006 at age 98! My mother is 85. I could be living for quite a while longer.

So I went to work. I had a great job that allowed me to work at home, apply all the skills I had amassed in my 30 years of working, and make a decent salary. I was laid off in February 2009 and have been looking for a new job ever since.

Join me each day to see if I have learned anything new that you might find helpful. If not, I will post my current thoughts, small victories, etc.


  1. I think this BLOG thing is going to be good for you. Allowing you to use some of your skills and get yourself "out there" with your opinions/frustrations.

  2. I have never participated in a blog. I think I get your drift in terms of what we are facing personally, socially, culturally, politically. Perhaps all the things that seem incredibly screwed up are insensing us more than ever as we move into the second half of our 60th decade because we really have seen a lot, tried so very hard to turn things around on lots of levels, and had such great hopes. And I feel an urgency some days to see resolution to some of the things that I have wished for for so long, like my whole life--justice, equality, the end of poverty and ignorance, peace, sanity, and just enough security to live a fulfilling life.


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