Wednesday, October 27, 2010

HOOooooo's Coming for Trick or Treat?

Little children dressed in costumes on Halloween are to me what candy is to them.  I love it!  Every year I get the chance to see how much my neighborhood kids have grown, and I've known most of them since their birth. 
In anticipation of the big day, I began to wonder which characters to expect to haunt my new residence this time.  So, I traipsed over to a web site that has a huge inventory of "store-bought" costumes for infants, children, teens and both their parents.
My not-s0-scientific research revealed that I am likely to be confronted with some characters I will not recognize at all.  My continued deprivation of a grandchild ( are you listening, Stephen?) has kept me out of the pop-culture loop a lot more than I once thought.  
Anyway, based only on the costumes that are currently Sold Out on the  web site  you can expect to encounter one or more of this guy.  Halloween Costumes Clone Wars 3 Child's $30

Clone Wars Season 3 - ARF Trooper Child Costume

 Phew!  I'm sure glad I decided to do this post because I never even heard of Clone Wars.  Opening the door to this "vision" might hasten my inevitable departure from this realm.
Believe it or not, this is a child's mask!  I'm thinking I'd better throw a package of Depends in my shopping cart along with the mini-Snickers.  The ole sphincter might not hold up if I open my door to a munchkin wearing one of these. 

The Last Airbender - Blue Spirit

Halloween Costumes Last Airbenders child mask $20

 This monstrosity (okay, that was a cheap shot) is also sold out, at $20 a pop.    But what the heck is an Airbender?  A quick Google revealed another news-to-me television show called Avatar: The Last Airbender on Nickolodeon.  Yikes!  Whatever happend to that purple dino?  He was so -- well -- normal looking.
 While looking into blue things I ran across this costume for a little girl.
Avatar (Neytiri) child's $30Woo-hoo.  This one I recognize, but only because it comes from a feature length film that I actually saw!

Neytiri Child Avatar Costume

 I do hope at least one of these sweethearts shows up at my door.

 Now, I hate to burst the celebratory ambiance of this post, but I do have a pet peeve about trick or treaters.  I happen to think if you are a male child and your voice has changed or you shave your face, even periodically, your trick or treating days should be over.  I'm probably taking my life in my hands when I do this, but I will say just that when one of these no-costume-wearing, pillow-case-toting teen girls and boys appears at my door.  They usually look down at their feet shyly, kick the imaginary dirt and grin like idiots, though, and I see them for the children they still are.
The adults who are smarter than that and who wisely accompany their children on the beg-fest could be showing up at a door near you wearing one of these sold-out adult models:
Halloween Costumes Men's Skeleton $40Halloween costumes Mischievous Mad Hatter Adult Sexy $188

I don't expect to see any of MY neighorhood moms in that Mischeivous Mad Hatter costume, though.  It sold out when on sale for $188.88!
However, my neighbor across the street who owns several successful restaurants in our area throws a huge, drunken bash every year on Halloween.  A lot of the costumes that appear that night are XXX-rated, so I'm sure one of his guests will show up in one or more of these, which are also sold out: 

from Kick Ass,  the Movie

Halloween Costumes Hit Girl from Kick Ass $80

Halloween costumes Guido Kit $25
                                               from The Jersey Shore, the TV show
As luck would have it, I'm going to a Halloween Party myself this weekend and I need a costume.  I've been considering this one, in honor of one of America's hottest pop stars:                                         Halloween Costumes Lady GaGa

Oh, put that phone down.  I'm just kidding!!!

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