Tuesday, November 25, 2014


state of Missouri
Coming as a surprise to absolutely no one I know, the grand jury in Ferguson, MO, in their infinite wisdom, decided there was not probable cause to charge the police officer who shot an killed and unarmed teenager, firing ten rounds of ammunition in the process.

Coming as a surprise to absolutely no one, the Ferguson District Attorney, in his conniving plotting, delayed the announcement of what was a foregone conclusion until 9 p.m. Monday, virtually guaranteeing the outbreak of destruction, looting and shooting they had been predicting for weeks.

Coming as a surprise to some, however, there is a huge difference between an organized protest demonstration and an outbreak of hooliganism staged under cover of darkness just for the hell of it.  Because they can.  Because it’s cool or dope or some other stupid adjective for describing willful delinquency. I say it is because they are damned fools who don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground.  How many IQ points does it take to understand that trashing, stealing and burning local businesses that serve ones own community is nothing short of insane?  What are they trying to prove, besides giving credibility to those misguided Americans who are convinced there is something inherently wrong with black people?

I need you, the reader, to understand some things about this latest exercise in judicial futility:

Let’s say we all take on face value the statement made by the DA that the evidence, and lots of it, pointed conclusively to the innocence of Officer Darren Wilson.  Let’s say we accept as fact that Michael Brown assaulted the officer, attempted to take his service revolver inside the patrol car and delivered a number of severe, injurious blows to the cop’s face.

Let’s say we all simply dismiss the multiple eye-witness accounts of the incident outside the patrol car that reported young Brown being shot from the back, turning and raising his hands in apparent surrender, and subsequently being fatally shot in the head.  Let’s all decide those eyewitnesses are, by definition, liars, because they are black and young and in cahoots with all young black men who have the balls to snatch a handful of cigarillos right in front of the storekeeper’s nose and then shoves a tiny man aside as he strides defiantly out the door. 

Let’s say we all agree that Officer Wilson was in fear for his life because Michael Brown was young, large and black.  I, myself, have absolutely no doubt that is true.  Let’s even disregard a recent article in the Daily Kos that demonstrates convincingly that the distance between the shooting officer and the victim, described repeatedly as 35 feet by the police, was actually 148 feet.

Let’s say we let slide the testimony reportedly given to the grand jury that “Office Darren Wilson never stood over” the sun-simmering corpse of Michael Brown, even though we can see clearly that is not true. 

Darren Wilson over Michael Brown's body

I am willing to concede every last one of these “facts” to those of you who believe Michael Brown’s death was justifiable homicide on the basis of self-defense, if you can explain to me why it took ten rounds to neutralize the perp who was undisputedly unarmed, and why the only choice Wilson had to defend himself from this giant kid who was clearly nuts (as I’m convinced Wilson thought) was to put a bullet in his head and kill him.

I need you to understand that no matter how many different ways you explain to me that the police officer was within his rights to use what I consider excessive force, that Michael Brown still had at least one right – the right to remain alive.

I am not anti-cop.  I am not blindly loyal to all black people, regardless of what dumbass things they might do.  I am not in denial about the cesspools of humanity that produce children with no morals, no sense of right and wrong and no accountability to authority.  I am not in denial that Michael Brown behaved very badly on that fateful day in Ferguson.  I get it. 

What I need you to understand is, I don’t get why Michael Brown had to die.


  1. Well and wisely argued, Lezlie, as always.

  2. One of the commentators on CNN last night said that she was struck by the fact that the grand jury people asked only one (innocuous, I forget what it was) question of Wilson. Whereas most of us would have quite a few.

    Your question is one that should have been posed to him.

    1. There is so much about this case that stinks, I don't know where to start sometimes. A woman (who might have been a juror) just said on TV that instead of being the accused, Wilson was portrayed by the testimony as the victim!

  3. He called for back up. They arrived minutes after he shot Brown. He should have waited. That photo says it all. Brown was a big guy. I get that. I'm with you tho. Why did he have to die?

  4. That last comment was by me...zanelle

  5. "I don’t get why Michael Brown had to die." Exactly. He didn't have to. I don't hate the police, it's the few bad apples in the barrel that I don't like very much!


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