Thursday, December 15, 2011

Kim Katches a Klaim to Fame

Well praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!  Some scientist has finallyKim Kardashian Wikipedia put a label on a Kardashian that we can all grasp.  No, it’s not “annoying!” Well, yes it is, but that’s not the word I’m going for here.

Kim Kardashian is a poster child for a phenomenon called vocal fry.  As reported in today’s (12/15/11) Healthland, vocal fry refers to the low, guttural vibrations that sometimes occur in speech, often appearing at the end of sentences. Listen here.

Now this is something to celebrate.  Just last night, Barbara Walters, on her annual 10 Most Fascinating People broadcast, told the viewers that she had never, in all the years she has done this program, had she had so much bitching and moaning about her selection as she has about Kim Kardashian.

Jerry Seinfeld got rich and famous for creating a hit television sitcom, literally about nothing.  Jerry Seinfeld is a hilarious stand-up comic, so his fame and fortune is most definitely talent-based.  Kim Kardashian and her K-obsessed mother and siblings, on the other hand, have done little more than embarrass each other in public to earn their obscene number of millions dissing the intelligence of the American voyeurs known as reality show addicts.

Now Ms. Kim has a claim to fame.  She will be forever identified with the latest language fad which I will now officially dub The Kardashian Effect.  I wonder how much Mama Kris will get when she cashes in on that!

Photo from Wikipedia

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